Are You 'What-iffing' Yourself To Certain Failure?
Have you realized that many of your worries about the future begin with 'what-if?' "What if I fail?" "What if I get hurt by taking this risk?'
'What-iffing', as I like to call it, occurs when you make negative predictions about the future. One negative thought pops into your mind and before you know it, the negative thoughts have spiralled out of control. That's because negative thoughts, just like positive ones, feed off each other.
For example, you may be worried about loosing your job. Then you think "What if I loose my job?" That leads to another thought, "What if I can't find another job?" which leads to another what-if. And before long you've what-iffed yourself into living under a bridge.
So, how do you stop this negative spiral? A simple 3 step procedure is all that's needed.
Recognize the negative thought.
Replace it with a positive and empowering one.
Reinforce the positive thought to make it a habitual way of thinking.
Let's look at each step in a bit more detail:
Recognize: Keep a small notebook. each time you feel a 'what-if' coming on, write it down. This step alone will make you aware of your negative thoughts.
When you have some free time and you're in a relaxed mood open up the notebook and read the first 'what-if' thought. As you read it ask yourself "And what if that did happen? Then what would happen next?" Repeat this process until you've uncovered your core belief.
Replace:Once you've uncovered your core negative belief you need to decide what you want your new positive belief to be. The new belief should be a reflection of the life you want to create. Phrase these beliefs in the present tense and use "I" statements, keeping the focus on what you want.
Reinforce: Now that you've written down these positive beliefs you need to write them on index cards. Read this card each morning when you wake up and again at night when you go to bed. After a while these new beliefs will become second nature.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Are you "What-iffing" yourself to failure?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Some of my Favorite Quotes by Bob Proctor - Teacher in The Secret
"95 People out of 100 settle for whatever they get, wishing that they had more all the way from the cradle to the casket, never understanding that they actually could have what they wanted."
Areyou like that? Do you have secret dreams that you feel will never be fulfilled. Are you settling for what you can get, instead of what you really want?
Or do you want to be in the 5% of people that get what they want?
Which group would you rather be in?
You may be thinking "Of course I'd like to be in the second group, but what choice do I really have?"
You do have a choice, and you can make it now. You can decide that you will not settle for less than you are truly capable of becoming, you will not settle for anything less than what you truly desire....and then take ACTION to move into the 'lucky' 5% who always get what they want.
If you would like to read more about the complete step-by-step wealth building system Bob Proctor teaches in "You were Born To Be Rich" click here.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
3 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Everyday.
There are 3 empowering questions that you need to ask yourself each day if you want to create your own destiny, teaches life coach & best-selling author, Tony Robbins.
- "How can I take immediate control of my life?"
- "What can I do today that can make a difference - that can help me and those around me to create our destinies?"
- "How can I learn, grow and share that knowledge with others in a meaningful & enjoyable way?"
For me the answer to questions 2 & 3 lies in this blog. Through this blog I want to share with others the journey of personal transformation that I am undergoing, any powerful and life-changing principles and strategies that I come across, basically anything that improves my life and has the potential to improve the lives of my readers.
If you have found the content on this blog to be interesting and beneficial, please tell others about it. Spread the word and do your bit to make the worl a better place.
Labels: Anthony Robbins, Law of Attraction
Welcome Your Problems with open arms....they bring you a valuable gift.
'Problems ...are not enemies. They are friends in disguise. ....There's never a problem without a gift in it's hands for you. You need problems because you're seeking the gifts. What you do with it is up to you, however. Problems are there to make you grow. Without them, you wouldn't grow."
Revolutionize Your Life
Monday, October 29, 2007
Take a few moments to watch this video about some true life manifestation success stories. Want proof that manifestation and the law of attraction work? Then you need to watch this video.
Help! I' attracting disaster and manifesting my worst fears!!!
".... you don't want to back up your desire with negative emotional energy. Negativity attracts negativity. That's why it's likely that you attract what you fear most....the universe will think that's what you want or need in your life, as that's what you've aimed your magnet at" - Extract from Revolutionz
Labels: Law of Attraction, manifestation
Sunday, October 28, 2007
5 Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams.
3 Super Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Heart's Desires.
1. Believe that the Law Of Attraction Works.
2. Know what you want....and in most cases it isn't money! Dig deeper and get to the core of what you want.Very seldom does someone want money simply for the sake of it...most of us want money for what it will buy. For example you may want money so that you can travel or to buy material objects that you would enjoy using such as a luxury car or a beautiful home. So identify on what it is that you really want.
3. Focus on that object. Think of how you would feel if it were yours right now. Feel those feelings. Live in those feelings all day long.
4. Let go. Stop trying to figure out how the universe is going to bring something to you. Just believe that it will be yours.
5. Take inspired action. The Universe will give you hidden promptings to do something, go somewhere or talk to someone. Act on them.
If you would like to uncover more of the tips and techniques that have been used for centuries - by some of the greatest people in history - and to uncover revolutionary ways to attract and manifest anything you want in life, like magic go to
Labels: Law of Attraction, manifestation
Monday, September 24, 2007
The 2 Most Important Principles to Keep In Mind When Becoming A Master Manifestor
As a law of attraction practitioner and a firm believer in the power of the law of attraction, I'm always on the lookout for ways to increase the speed at which I can manifest the objects of my desire.
I recently came across 2 very important points that may be acting as "blocks" to your ability to manifest what you want. Ironically enough I've never come across this information anywhere else except here.
The 1st "block" may be holding grudges against other people. When you harbor hatred and ill-will toward others part of your energy is tied up in these negative emotions. That means you have less energy to direct toward manifesting and creating thelife of your dreams.
The 2nd factor is actually broken up into 2 interlinked factors: Trust and letting go of the "how"
Often when we want something that we consider "big" we become afraid of the enormity of our desires and we start to wonder how we are going to manifest what we want.
Remember that your job is not to worry about the "how" Leave that to God (or the Universe)
Your only job is to see yourself as having achieved the object of your desires and to trust that what you want will come to you. Act as if the object of your desire is already yours and trust that in time it will come to you.
The hardest part of the maniestation process for me is "letting go" I'm constantly tempted to check on my progress.....'It's been 10 minutes already.....has $1,000 000 manifested yet' :-)
But I'm learning to "stop digging up my seed to check if it's growing." This only slows down the manifestation process.
Please feel free to post your comments and thoughts about what you find to be blocks to your ability to manifest or just yourthoughts on this post.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
2 fantastic free reports with free giveaway/resale rights.
I have written 2 life-altering reports that are yours at no cost.
Grab your copy by clicking here.
Friday, January 12, 2007
The Role that other people play in the manifestation process- Part 2
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Role that other people play in the manifestation process- Part 1
The Role that other people play in the manifestation process- Part 1
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Manifestation .....a blessing or a curse?
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
The Real Truth about manifesting your hearts desire....The Guru's have it all wrong!
Have you participated in the annual ritual of setting new year's resolutions?
Are you one of the millions of people who writes down all their goals for the new year on the 1st January each year. You know, goals like 'loose weight','get rich', 'be a better parent', 'get all A's in exams'.
What I'd like to know is does this once a year goal setting work for you? Chances are that this method doesn't work at all. The truth of the matter is that this traditional way of setting goals doesn't get you any closer to achieving your goals.
In fact, setting goals in this inefficient manner is probably what prevents you from reaching them in the first place.
If you want to discover the secret to achieving the life of your dreams without the traditional method of goal setting and without hard work and sacrifice then click here now.
This program is unlike any other success program. It is a unique combination of ancient wisdom with cutting edge self-development tools that helps you to achieve all your dreams faster than you ever though possible.
Click here now
Labels: Law of Attraction, manifestation
The Manifestation Mentor is here .... and ready to help you become a master manifestor.
Hi and welcome to The Manifestation Mentor.
I am a Law of Attraction Practitioner and Coach and I would love to share what I have learnt about the law of attraction and how to manifest the life of your dreams as easily and quickly as possible.
I have been studying and applying The Law of Attraction to my life for over two years now and the changes have been dramatic to say the least.
If you would like to read my rags-to-riches story of how The Law of Attraction has impacted my life click here.
I spend several hours each day learning more about the law of attraction, manifestation, self-improvement, brainwave entrainment technology, self-hypnosis and other related topics.
Through this blog I want to share all that I learn with you in a distilled format so that you can gain the same benefit that I do without having to spend more than a few minutes each day either reading a blog post or listening to an audio message.
In addition to that I will give you an action step or two that you can take immediately to put The Law of Attraction into action in your life ....and start reaping the sweet rewards immediately.
So lets get started and put The Law of Attraction into action.
Labels: Law of Attraction, manifestation