Monday, September 24, 2007

The 2 Most Important Principles to Keep In Mind When Becoming A Master Manifestor

As a law of attraction practitioner and a firm believer in the power of the law of attraction, I'm always on the lookout for ways to increase the speed at which I can manifest the objects of my desire.

I recently came across 2 very important points that may be acting as "blocks" to your ability to manifest what you want. Ironically enough I've never come across this information anywhere else except here.

The 1st "block" may be holding grudges against other people. When you harbor hatred and ill-will toward others part of your energy is tied up in these negative emotions. That means you have less energy to direct toward manifesting and creating thelife of your dreams.

The 2nd factor is actually broken up into 2 interlinked factors: Trust and letting go of the "how"
Often when we want something that we consider "big" we become afraid of the enormity of our desires and we start to wonder how we are going to manifest what we want.

Remember that your job is not to worry about the "how" Leave that to God (or the Universe)
Your only job is to see yourself as having achieved the object of your desires and to trust that what you want will come to you. Act as if the object of your desire is already yours and trust that in time it will come to you.

The hardest part of the maniestation process for me is "letting go" I'm constantly tempted to check on my progress.....'It's been 10 minutes already.....has $1,000 000 manifested yet' :-)

But I'm learning to "stop digging up my seed to check if it's growing." This only slows down the manifestation process.

Please feel free to post your comments and thoughts about what you find to be blocks to your ability to manifest or just yourthoughts on this post.


thistle said...

Thank you "Maxmindpower" I have been researching principles of manifestation all morning and your 1 comment has confirmed in my mind 2 important keys. Forgiveness and Trust. Thanks again.

thistle said...

Thanks max mindpower. I think I already posted my comment but ill post it again anyway. My meditation teacher spoke of this as well and you have confirmed - Forgiveness and trust a very important keys to the principles of manifistation! Thanks again