Wednesday, October 31, 2007

3 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Everyday.

There are 3 empowering questions that you need to ask yourself each day if you want to create your own destiny, teaches life coach & best-selling author, Tony Robbins.

  1. "How can I take immediate control of my life?"
  2. "What can I do today that can make a difference - that can help me and those around me to create our destinies?"
  3. "How can I learn, grow and share that knowledge with others in a meaningful & enjoyable way?"

For me the answer to questions 2 & 3 lies in this blog. Through this blog I want to share with others the journey of personal transformation that I am undergoing, any powerful and life-changing principles and strategies that I come across, basically anything that improves my life and has the potential to improve the lives of my readers.

If you have found the content on this blog to be interesting and beneficial, please tell others about it. Spread the word and do your bit to make the worl a better place.

Welcome Your Problems with open arms....they bring you a valuable gift.

'Problems ...are not enemies. They are friends in disguise. ....There's never a problem without a gift in it's hands for you. You need problems because you're seeking the gifts. What you do with it is up to you, however. Problems are there to make you grow. Without them, you wouldn't grow."

Revolutionize Your Life

Monday, October 29, 2007

Take a few moments to watch this video about some true life manifestation success stories. Want proof that manifestation and the law of attraction work? Then you need to watch this video.

Help! I' attracting disaster and manifesting my worst fears!!!

".... you don't want to back up your desire with negative emotional energy. Negativity attracts negativity. That's why it's  likely that you attract what you fear most....the universe will think that's  what you want or need in your life, as that's what you've aimed your magnet at" - Extract from Revolutionz

The Law Of Attraction doesn't discriminate between good or bad. It simply brings to you what is uppermost in your mind.....good or bad. Your mind is a magnet attracting into your life what you spend the most time thinking about. The choice of what you attract is up to you. What' it going to be?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

5 Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams.

3 Super Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Heart's Desires.
1. Believe that the Law Of Attraction Works.
2. Know what you want....and in most cases it isn't money! Dig deeper and get to the core of what you want.Very seldom does someone want money simply for the sake of it...most of us want money for what it will buy. For example you may want money so that you can travel or to buy material objects that you would enjoy using such as a luxury car or a beautiful home. So identify on what it is that you really want.
3. Focus on that object. Think of how you would feel if it were yours right now. Feel those feelings. Live in those feelings all day long.
4. Let go. Stop trying to figure out how the universe is going to bring something to you. Just believe that it will be yours.
5. Take inspired action. The Universe will give you hidden promptings to do something, go somewhere or talk to someone. Act on them.

If you would like to uncover more of the tips and techniques that have been used for centuries - by some of the greatest people in history - and to uncover revolutionary ways to attract and manifest anything you want in life, like magic go to