Saturday, February 28, 2009

Does The Law Of Attraction Work In A Recession?

If you understand how the Law Of Attraction works, you will no longer worry about what is happening in the external world, at least not as much as you used to. Your main focus shifts to what is going on in your own inner world.

Right now you are probably like most other American. You're worried and fearful about the state of the economy right now. After all, that's all the media seems to be focusing on now.

But did you even realize that there are  people who are manifesting even more money & wealth than before, despite the terrible state of the economy?

How can that be? These people are not merely lucky. They are aware of a powerful Universal Law - The Law Of Attraction. These fortunate people know that fear detrimental to your overall ability to manifest your hearts desires. Being in a state of fear and worry keeps you at a vibration level that resonates with difficulty, poverty and lack. You are manifesting disaster in your life based on what you are being fed by the media. 

Don't misunderstand me, the poor state of the economy is very real.... for those who don;t know the power of The Law Of Attraction. You DON'T have to be part of the masses whose financial lives are on the brink of disaster.

You can create a richer and more abundant reality for yourself and those you love. The secret to being able to manifest miracles in your own life comes from  understanding the power of your own mind. 

Miracles are the born in  the subconscious mind. In order to manifest miracles in your outer world, you must change your perception of what is possible and what is impossible. 

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people manifest big things very quickly, seemingly without much effort? It's because these people have mastered the Secrets of creating Wealth Beyond Reason. 

 Discover the Secrets To Create Wealth Beyond Reason In Your Own Life 

Sunday, February 3, 2008

An opportunity for you to learn from the best

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are you "What-iffing" yourself to failure?

Are You 'What-iffing' Yourself To Certain Failure?

Have you realized that many of your worries about the future begin with 'what-if?' "What if I fail?" "What if I get hurt by taking this risk?'

'What-iffing', as I like to call it, occurs when you make negative predictions about the future. One negative thought pops into your mind and before you know it, the negative thoughts have spiralled out of control. That's because negative thoughts, just like positive ones, feed off each other.

For example, you may be worried about loosing your job. Then you think "What if I loose my job?" That leads to another thought, "What if I can't find another job?" which leads to another what-if. And before long you've what-iffed yourself into living under a bridge.

So, how do you stop this negative spiral? A simple 3 step procedure is all that's needed.
Recognize the negative thought.
Replace it with a positive and empowering one.
Reinforce the positive thought to make it a habitual way of thinking.

Let's look at each step in a bit more detail:
Recognize: Keep a small notebook. each time you feel a 'what-if' coming on, write it down. This step alone will make you aware of your negative thoughts.

When you have some free time and you're in a relaxed mood open up the notebook and read the first 'what-if' thought. As you read it ask yourself "And what if that did happen? Then what would happen next?" Repeat this process until you've uncovered your core belief.

Replace:Once you've uncovered your core negative belief you need to decide what you want your new positive belief to be. The new belief should be a reflection of the life you want to create. Phrase these beliefs in the present tense and use "I" statements, keeping the focus on what you want.

Reinforce: Now that you've written down these positive beliefs you need to write them on index cards. Read this card each morning when you wake up and again at night when you go to bed. After a while these new beliefs will become second nature.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Some of my Favorite Quotes by Bob Proctor - Teacher in The Secret

"95 People out of 100 settle for whatever they get, wishing that they had more all the way from the cradle to the casket, never understanding that they actually could have what they wanted."

Areyou like that? Do you have secret dreams that you feel will never be fulfilled. Are you settling for what you can get, instead of what you really want?

Or do you want to be in the 5% of people that get what they want?

Which group would you rather be in?

You may be thinking "Of course I'd like to be in the second group, but what choice do I really have?"
You do have a choice, and you can make it now. You can decide that you will not settle for less than you are truly capable of becoming, you will not settle for anything less than what you truly desire....and then take ACTION to move into the 'lucky' 5% who always get what they want.

If you would like to read more about the complete step-by-step wealth building system Bob Proctor teaches in "You were Born To Be Rich" click here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

3 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Everyday.

There are 3 empowering questions that you need to ask yourself each day if you want to create your own destiny, teaches life coach & best-selling author, Tony Robbins.

  1. "How can I take immediate control of my life?"
  2. "What can I do today that can make a difference - that can help me and those around me to create our destinies?"
  3. "How can I learn, grow and share that knowledge with others in a meaningful & enjoyable way?"

For me the answer to questions 2 & 3 lies in this blog. Through this blog I want to share with others the journey of personal transformation that I am undergoing, any powerful and life-changing principles and strategies that I come across, basically anything that improves my life and has the potential to improve the lives of my readers.

If you have found the content on this blog to be interesting and beneficial, please tell others about it. Spread the word and do your bit to make the worl a better place.

Welcome Your Problems with open arms....they bring you a valuable gift.

'Problems ...are not enemies. They are friends in disguise. ....There's never a problem without a gift in it's hands for you. You need problems because you're seeking the gifts. What you do with it is up to you, however. Problems are there to make you grow. Without them, you wouldn't grow."

Revolutionize Your Life

Monday, October 29, 2007

Take a few moments to watch this video about some true life manifestation success stories. Want proof that manifestation and the law of attraction work? Then you need to watch this video.